Help Save Dogs Like George From Being Boiled Alive
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For George, the day his whole world changed started out like any other. Asleep by the side of the street in his village in northern Thailand, he awoke in terror when metal tongs suddenly latched onto his neck.
Writhing in agony, his panicked screams were silenced when he was hurled into a tiny metal cage on top of other petrified dogs. George was destined to be butchered for his meat. But first, he would be boiled alive.
This is the actuality of the dog meat trade in Asia but you can stop it. Please SIGN THE PETITION at
The tiny, cramped cage that George was thrown into with so many other dogs was brutally shoved onto a truck already overflowing with similar cages. In each one, dogs lay piled on top of one another, barely able to breathe.
Many had broken bones from where the cages had been slammed shut on their legs because there was simply no space for them to fit. Others suffocated under the weight of so many other dogs lying on top of them. George lost an eye.
Stolen dogs are transported like this for a long journey of terror in unbearable heat. They receive no food or water and are so tightly packed together they are unable to move. The journey lasts for days. This is the reality of the Asian dog meat trade.
Please speak up for the innocent victims of this unspeakable cruelty. SIGN THE PETITION TO STOP THIS HAPPENING:
The dogs that die on this journey to hell are the lucky ones. They will escape the unimaginable torture of being violently beaten, before being skinned or boiled alive.
With the help of our supporters, Soi Dog Foundation is bringing the fight to the dog smugglers. Thanks to a tip-off from vigilant Thai people, who are just as appalled by this trade as we are, the truck carrying George and all the other innocent dogs was stopped by the authorities. The driver was arrested and George and hundreds like him were rescued.
The dogs were transferred to a shelter funded by Soi Dog supporters, where they received medical attention, food and water. They are now safe. Handsome George has been adopted and now lives in the US.
We are making a lot of progress in our fight against Asia’s vile dog meat trade but the fight needs to be stepped up. Please CLICK THIS LINK to SIGN OUR PETITION:
SHARE THIS WITH EVERY ANIMAL LOVER YOU KNOW. The more people we can get behind this petition, the more impact we will have.
We will never give up until this trade is ended. Please join us.
If you think animals should be free from cruelty, SIGN OUR PETITION to stamp out the illegal dog meat trade. Soi Dog supporters are already taking the fight to these evil smuggling rings. YOUR signature will help add the extra pressure we need to end
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