CP came by yesterday to return one of my big cages. I had wanted to lend it to Wei Leng for Only-One.
Anyway, CP just got Little Missy spayed and Little Missy is looked after by the Filipino domestic helper, May.
May had a story to tell....(get ready to go "aww...." or maybe shed a tear or two).
Apparently, Little Missy, who had to be caged for her 3-4 day recovery period, missed her kittens so much. May tried, but the kittens refused to go into the cage (smart little ones). However, they have been frequenting and getting near the cage when nobody was around.
May noticed Little Missy pushing out her kibbles for her kittens to eat. She won't eat up her kibbles, she would keep some for her kittens and since she could not get to them, she pushed them out of the cage for them to eat.
Then, her kittens wanted to touch her but the cage separates them. So, Little Missy would put her tail out through the bars and the kittens would grab on to her tail and just hang on for comfort.
I think May released Little Missy yesterday so that she can be reunited with her kittens. Her wound has healed very well.
The next step would be to get the kittens dewormed. But the kittens are just so elusive, they have yet to be caught.