Updates On 15th Jun 2015
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Ginger, a 3-year-old male stray, was rescued and is being treated at PetCare Melawati for localised sporotrichosis, with 3 small lesions on his body.
The rescuer, Faye is seeking for Ginger:
1. boarding/fostering for 2 months to begin end-June (PetCare cannot keep him beyond that); medicines will be paid for/provided by rescuer
2. adoption, or if not, Faye is willing to adopt him herself at that point. Unavailable to take immediately as will be travelling/overseas
Summary of phone consultation with PetCare vet:-
Diagnosis: Localised and not a generalised sporo; also no lesions in nasal cavity
Treatment: antibiotics and highest dose antifungals
Prognosis: if in 3 to 8 mths, lesions heal and fully dry up, then considered to have fully recovered and will be non-contagious.
During 3 to 8 mth period when still highly contagious:
-can infect other cats/ animals by scratching/biting them, e.g. cat fights
-can indirectly spread to other cats/animals if handler does not disinfect properly before handling other animal
-CAN INFECT HUMANS TOO, by contact with lesions, or by being bitten/scratched.
Plus points for Ginger’s viability during contagious stage
- minimal contact required: medicine mixed into wet food; no direct handling required
- is friendly and ‘manja’ or affectionate, and not aggressive,
- only indirect handling required, e.g when replacing food, water and litter basket.
- temperament seems OK (at least now, after 2 weeks cage stay) despite loss of freedom and being caged for extended period
Unfortunately, due to the high number of animals passing through our doors, and to minimise the risk of cross-infection, the SPCA is unable to accommodate Ginger.
Any potential fosterer/ adopter should plan to keep Ginger in a cage for the duration or until fully recovered.
Queries may be addressed directly to the rescuer, Faye Yang at 011- 1425 9072 or emailed to xiaofei70@hotmail.com .
We are happy to assist in any way we can. Thank you for your kindness in helping this and all other animals in need.
Please refer to the attached pictures. Ginger is additionally described as alert and lively. The first picture shows the improvement of the lesion on his back leg over the past two weeks.
” I am a sentient creature.
Cut me, I bleed.
Feed and Care for me…Love me.. and I thrive and repay your Kindness manyfold.”
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SPCASelangor/photos/a.1015015486018..
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