
Updates On 5th Jun 2015


Fancy a getaway to one of our oldest Parks with a Free 3D2N stay at Mutiara Resort Taman Negara, Pahang OR an escape to Perak’s Royal Belum State Park with a Free 2D1N stay at the Banding Lakeside Resort? Then join this #wwfmyLoveandProtect contest!

All you need to do is:

1. Watch the full video of The Bandaris on WWFMY Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0su4itk9vsI

2. Post a photo depicting how the video has inspired you.

3. Tag 3 friends and include this caption as well: ‘Watch The Bandaris at WWFMY Youtube’ or

4. Hashtag #wwfmyLoveandProtect

The photo with the most ‘Likes’ at the end of three weeks will win the grand prize of a 3D2N stay (for two) at Banding Lakeside Resort while the judges choice photo will win the grand prize of a 3D2N stay (for two) at Mutiara Taman Negara Resort Pahang.

There will also be 10 consolation prizes (with highest number of ‘Likes’)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/photos/a.159457438241.151903…



WWF Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia is a national conservation trust that currently runs conversation projects covering a diverse range of environmental protection & nature conservation in Malaysia. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

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