There has been a short supply (in fact, NO supply) of Pets Own Milk, and my friend, who is currently fostering five puppies, has this to share. He is a very experienced puppy-fosterer and has hand-raised many mother-less newborn puppies.
Here it is, but it has only been used on PUPPIES (not kittens).
The milk powder is Nan1, Hypoallergenic.
From Newborn till 2 weeks old - use according to recommended dosage for human babies, but add 20% more water to dilute it. For every 250ml, add a teaspoon of glucose (flat, not heaped). Glucolin will do.
After 2 weeks - use as per recommended for human babies.
He says it works well, from his experience on puppies.
Disclaimer: This is just a sharing by an experienced puppy-fosterer and does not serve as any expert advice. Kindly consult your vet for professional guidance.