Puteri was rescued on 29th June by Mary Yap from the middle of the road in Taman Tun. She was brought to the vet's and diagnosed with a skin problem and flu, and was treated for the flu first.
Only after three weeks, the vet's assistant noticed the growth on her nose looked like Sporotrichosis and Puteri was tested positive for it. She was started on Itraconazole.
On 15th August (just 3 days ago), Puteri was re-tested for sporotrichosis and there is no more evidence of any growth.
According to the vet, this is typical of patients of sporotrichosis once they are treated with Itraconazole. It stops the growth pretty fast, but the treatment must be carried on for 2-3 months.
We hope Puteri will recover and be a beautiful kitten again.
Sporotrichosis is NOT a death sentence (unless it is at a very advanced stage). It can be treated. There is a generic form of Itraconazole, which is more affordable. Puteri was given the original drug.
Puteri's treatment is jointly sponsored by Mary, her friends and from our funds.