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Tuesday, 16th Aug 2011, by AnimalCare

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Today was the first day of the new semester at my college and as always, there is much work to do.  I was done for the day when I went to my car, hoping to get home to do more work.

But woe betide me, another car had blocked my car in such a way that it was absolutely impossible for me to even squeeze out as the space left was only that of half my Kelisa. And it wasn't that there was no other place to park. There was, but she (I found out who it was - a student) just had to park right behind me.

So I alerted the guard, who checked the list and found out who she was. Attempts were made to locate her, and after almost half an hour, there she came, walking nonchalantly towards her car as though everyone had all the time in the world to wait for her to remove her car.

I told her off.

I am not very patient with humans who are not retarded but behave like one.  

It does not take a university degree to know that one should not block another person's car. What if the blocked driver has an emergency where time is of the essence? How selfish can some people be, I wondered.  

As I drove home, I thought about the people who complain about cats who sleep on their cars, dogs who pee on their car tyres, and these people call the councils and the poor animals are captured and killed because they are considered "pests".  

Of course those of us who love animals argue and plead that the animals are innocent as they do not know any better about our human ways and cannot be expected to behave as we humans do. Honestly, do we expect a cat or dog to use the public toilet?  Do we expect a cat to know that she is not supposed to sleep on top of Mr Wong's brand new mercedes benz?  Or a dog to know he's not supposed to poo in front of Mr Lee's house?  How on earth would they know, right?  

So, my question is this, if we expect dogs and cats to understand our human ways of living and when they don't, the non-animal-lovers can call the council and have these poor animals captured and killed, what do we do with human pests?  

These humans are:
1.  Humans (therefore, we assume a wee bit more intelligent than the animals when it comes to the subject of "how to live in a human community"?)
2.  Educated (we assume this because most of them do go to school and the one whom I encountered today is, believe it or not, a college student who has been through 11 years of school and I believe Moral Education is a compulsory subject, too, isn't it?).
3.  Have grown up in our cultural set-up and are aware of our human ways of living (which includes not blocking other people's cars - don't they teach us that at driving school? Or maybe they don't coz they think we have enough common sense to know this already?).

What do we do with human pests who selfishly live life as though the whole earth belongs to them and only them alone?

P.S. Go watch the Rise of the Planet of the Apes!
And cheer the apes on!  

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