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Sunday, 14th Aug 2011, by AnimalCare

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Brownie is our parvo-survivor. 

Before I post his photos, we might want to analyse his case and learn a thing or two from it.

Brownie was a rescued stray from North Port. He was very, very attached to his mother, Angel, and we assume he was breastfed. At the time of being rescued, Brownie was estimated to be about 3-4 months. Angel was rescued too and Winnie Low (their rescuer, also a first-timer) looked after them for about five days before bringing them to our panel vet, supposedly for spay-neuter and a check-up.

Upon examination, Angel was found to be fit to be spayed, but Brownie could still wait until later since he is male and our vet normally prefers it done at around 10 months or so (to reduce the chances of urinary tract deficiencies later on). Our vet's advice has always been this: For a male, if you can wait, please wait. If you cannot and you need to release the cat/dog, then just do it and hope for the best.

Since Winnie decided to wait, Brownie was instead, vaccinated. Winnie had to go to work that morning and could not send Brownie back and since Brownie was so attached to Angel, she decided to leave Brownie with Angel and collect them in the evening after Angel was spayed.  

Brownie and Angel were boarded together at the clinic.  

Winnie collected them both that evening and brought them home.

After THREE days, Brownie collapsed. It was a Saturday night when that happened.  

I told Winnie to rush Brownie to the animal hospital in PJ which was open on Sunday.

Brownie was diagnosed with Parvo Virus, which we all know is deadly. 

Brownie was put on drips and antibiotics as that is the conventional treatment. Brownie's WBC was only 0.8. I met the vet that evening. The prognosis was very bad.  

I blogged Brownie's story and asked for collective spiritual help.  

Pamela Lim and Ruth Chow wrote to me that night and said the experimental drug, RetroMAD1 has proven to be very helpful in cases of Parvo Virus.  

The next morning, I got Winnie's consent to try it, contacted Dr Tan from Puchong for supply and Punitha took half-day's leave to get the drug from Puchong and send it to PJ where Brownie was boarded.

Brownie was put on RetroMAD1 immediately.

Clinically, Brownie showed improvement every day and his WBC increased (tested every 2 days) until it hit 5.2 and Brownie was fit to be discharged. 

Brownie is now well and healthy, and we all heave a big sigh of relief and yes, we can celebrate.

What the vets say:

1. Brownie could have recovered with the drips and antibiotics.

2. Brownie was probably saved by the vaccination. He already had the parvo virus dormant in him since birth. He was protected my Angel's antibodies because he was breastfed. When the breastfeeding stopped, the parvo virus manifested. But Brownie was vaccinated just three days before that and the antibodies from the vaccination usually takes 5 days to kick in. Perhaps it was these antibodies that saved him?

3. The RetroMAD1 could have helped too.

We understand that vets, being people of science, need more scientifically-verified evidence before attributing a cure to any one treatment.  

For us, we'd like to believe everything helped and most importantly, Brownie is well and good now!

Will we recommend the RetroMAD1 for other cases of Canine Parvo Virus (as well as FIV, FeLV, FLV in cats)? A resounding YES!!  But please be informed that the drug is unlicensed, unregistered and is still at an experimental stage as of now.  

Will I use it on my own animal companions (Bobby, Cow and gang) if they fall sick with any viral diseases?  YES, YES, YES!

However, the supply is really running short right now. If you need any, please write to me at chankahyein@gmail. and I will give you the contact number of the vet, Dr Tan, who may still have supply. But the advice is that your animal has been tested positive for a viral disease and is symptomatic. Do not use on animals who are not symptomatic. The drug is also known to have anti-tumour properties. 

Ever since Brownie's case, we have managed to obtain just enough supply for several other cases - will update later when we have results to share (a TVT-dog, two FIV+ faucitis cats, an FIP kitten and a Sporo cat).  

And now....for Brownie's photos! (Sorry to have kept you waiting...)

From Winnie first:

Just would like to share some photos of my dogs with you. Brownie is doing realy fine, finshing his last pill tomorrow. Angel has accepted him back & the 2 is such a bundle of joy to watch. My worry now is whether to get them vaccinate again. Worry that they can't take it.

My other adopted dog,Happy is getting jealous when I play with them. She is a hyperactive dog & chewing all the slippers, towel,sofa  my shoes rack. Is driving my mom nuts. Very playful with Brownie. The other one is called Pepito & she is 11 years old. Having arthritis.

Brownie and mum, Angel.
(Looks like he is still very attached to his mum)



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