Cows Check-Up And Blood Test Results
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Last night, I was sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for Cow’s blood test results today. From his urine test yesterday, the specific gravity was good and the vet said his kidneys are functioning well as he was able to concentrate urine. With elderly pets, we definitely worry about kidney problems. But for Cow’s case, I had a bigger worry – Diabetes. As we all know, Cow is rather “big”, and even with diet control, he is somehow, still big.
I was really worried if Cow would be diabetic. There is no cure for diabetes;we just have to manage it.
This morning, the clinic called to ask if we could go in earlier for Cow’s check-up.
Of course we can!
So, off we went, e-collar and all.
The vet checked Cow’s eye first and said all looked well. He sees no signs of any infection so far and we will go according to plan, ie. to leave the eye alone and let healing take place naturally. The “flapping piece” under the ulcer was cut off yesterday, but it’s part of the epitelium and it should grow back on its own. And we hope the ulcer will also heal at the same time. The only thing we’d do is to flush the eye with sterile saline a few times a day. This is to keep the eye clean.
Now, the blood tests results:
In a word, everything is normal.
But if we’d like to go down to details, Cow’s Albumin/Globulin ratio is a bit low. To cut a very long story short, we could start protecting his kidneys now. There is no evidence of any kidney problems yet, but Cow is, after all, a senior cat, so kidney protection is a good move.
Our choices, and these are natural options:
1. Fish Oil – we’ve opted for this.
2. Other supplements for kidney protection.
3. Misai kucing infusion into the drinking water (I need to look for the plant first).
4. Increasing water intake by using ice cubes, drips, fountain (Wouldn’t Indy just LOVE this?). Serving soups (Pole and Heidi love soups).
5. Adding a pinch of soda bicarbonate into the drinking water (this helps kidney function).
We are doing No. 1 for now. So we purchased a fish oil formulated for dogs and cats and I’ve started Cow on it. Will probably put everyone on it since there’s no harm.
Disclaimer: Please consult your veterinarian for advice on your pet’s medical condition. The above is only a sharing and is specifically for Cow.
And the best news EVER is that Cow is NOT diabetic!
But his glucose level is on the higher end of the normal range. So is his cholesterol.
The vet says Cow just has to lose weight.
We’ve going to have to put Cow on a diet. And this goes for Tiger too. And Ginger, Rosie, Daffodil, Heidi and perhaps, even Mr Zurik. Harder to control Team Bird as they probably eat at the pavilion as well. Or in other houses?
Bunny claims he has a waist so….ok, Bunny, we’ll play it by ear.
For Cow, we’ll go with the Hara Hachi Bu plan. Reduce by 20%.
Hey, everyone, I’m back, I’m home!
Why is everyone asleep?
Oh well…
The vet said it’s alright to take his e-collar off already, but the moment he scratches his eye, we would have to put it back on.
To be on the safe side, I think we’d better leave the collar on a little longer.
Cow thanks everyone for the kind wishes.
We are all grateful – thank you very much!
P.S. Cow and Bunny love the fish oil!
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