Jackie the Jack Russel Terrier was thrown out of the house by the owner in Klang about a month ago. Although a neighbor, who had seen what had happened, took Jackie back, the owner refused to accept the five-year-old dog. Jackie will be one of the 40 puppies and dogs that will be up for adoption at the Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) monthly adoption at the Summit Shopping Complex this Sunday. The adoption drive which is from 11.30am to 7.30pm will be held at Summit’s side entrance. Another adoption drive would also be held the following week on Aug 21 at Jaya One, Petaling Jaya. The event will be held from 11.30am to 7.30pm at Block NB1, facing Station 1 and Old Town White Coffee. According to MDDB adoption coordinator Christine Lai MDDB was in dire state to rehome the puppies due to an influx of abandoned puppies and dogs. “There are just far too many with us and we have to rehome them in order to help more dogs and puppies that are in need,’’ she added. Another adoption drive would also be held the following week at Jaya One, Petaling Jaya. The event will be held from 11.30am to 7.30pm at Block NB1, facing Station 1 and Old Town White Coffee. Lai said dumping of pets and animal cruelty were in the increase with individuals even going to the cruelest extent of harming animals especially dogs. “We were told recently that a pregnant dog was set on fire by some people. We also received pictures of the dead dog,’’ said Lai. She said MDDB had also recently rescued and treated a dog which lost its entire nose after a resident in a housing estate is believed to have looped it off with a machete. Lai said MDDB is also sponsoring the treatment and caring for a two-month old puppy that had been splashed with hot water or oil. “Who are all these people who have no qualms to resorting to so much cruelty?’’ asked a perplexed Lai. MDDB is also in need of supplies and those wanting to donate dog and puppy food, cat and kitten food, bleach, old towels, old newspapers, shampoo and rice can drop them off at the adoption drive. Call 019-3576477, 017-2081844 or 012-3739007 for details. Please also visit www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com to read about MDDB’s rescue work.
杰奇-属于杰克罗素梗Jack Russel Terrie品种,在一个月前被主人遗弃在巴生。 虽然隔壁的邻居在知道了实情后把杰奇带回来,但原本的主人却不愿意再接受这五岁的狗儿。 杰奇是MDDB在这个星期日(14-08-2011)于Summit举办狗狗领养活动里头四十只狗狗其中一只等待新家的狗儿。 . 狗狗领养活动将会由上午11.30到下午7.30。地点在Summit的正门入口处。 接下来另外一场狗狗领养活动将会在下(21-08-2011)个星期在八打灵的Jaya One举办。 .该项活动将由上午11.30到下午7.30。地点在Jaya One 的Block NB1(面对Station 1与Old Town White Coffee) 根据MDDB领养活动协调者Christine Lai说,MDDB迫切需要为这些无家可归的狗狗寻找好人 家领养,因为目前有太多被遗弃的动物寄住在MDDB收容所而造成过度拥挤,这将导致无法容纳 更多等待救助的流浪动物。 “有太多的狗狗被暂时收容在我们的中途之家,因此我们急需为他们寻找一个能够永久领养他们的好家庭,唯有这样我们才能够帮助更多需要协助的动物。” 赖小姐说,最近他们被告知一只懷孕母狗被人惡意用火燒死。我们也收到母狗已死亡的图片。 她说MDDB也在近期拯救了一只遭人用利刃砍斷鼻子的狗狗, MDDB同时也为一只惨遭热油烫伤的两个月小狗赞助医疗费用。 赖小姐困惑的问,这些人是谁?为何会毫不犹豫的做出那么残酷无情的行为? 赖氏强调丢弃和虐待动物的个案正在不断增加中,尤其对狗儿,人们甚至惡意或無故虐待它们致重傷或死亡。 MDDB也极需要您慷慨的捐赠物品给予等待领养的狗猫,如罐頭,干粮,米,漂白劑,肥皂,舊報紙,舊毛巾和寵物配件。 如有任何疑问~请联络 019-3576477, 017-2081844 or 012-3739007 或电邮~malaysiandogsdeservebetter1@gmail.com
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