Save Dogs Like Lovella From A Lifetime Of Suffering
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Lovella Was Born On The Streets Of Thailand. Like Millions Of Other Stray Dogs, She Has Never Had A Home…
Lovella is now over 7 years of age. She arrived at our shelter after life had simply become too much for her. Her eyes alone spoke volumes, conveying abject misery. Suffering and fear were etched on her face.
Lovella was infested with ticks and almost totally bald. Her skin was covered in crusty sores and pigmentation. Her ears were filthy and she had a large, open fracture on her right front leg. Sparse tufts of hair sprung up randomly on what was an otherwise bald and pitiful body.
In a matter of weeks, Soi Dog supporters – people just like YOU – transformed Lovella’s world. Through their funding of the urgent treatment she needed, Lovella is a totally different dog to the one we met just five weeks ago.
It truly doesn’t take a lot to achieve miracles like this but it DOES take YOU. There is no other source of funding. As you read this, another dog is in desperate need of medical treatment. YOU can change this situation with just a few dollars a week.
Dogs like Lovella have no hope without you. Please click on her pictures to see how you can help today.
Every day, Soi Dog Foundation picks up sick and injured stray animals in desperate need of medical treatment. With no government funding, we urgently need YOUR support to save them.
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