
Holy Cow! Not That Right Eye Again.


We were out all morning yesterday and when we came back at noon, I noticed Cow could not open his right eye. Oh no, it’s that same eye again. Yes, the one that went through a month of treatment, got so badly ulcerated and then underwent the third eyelid flap operation, which thankfully, turned out successful.

That same eye!

It didn’t look like something we could brush off, you know, like maybe, dirt got in or something. Cow was tearing but it was clear transparent tears and not bloody.

Now, what happened, Cow? Who fought with you? Or, who did you fight with?

So I quickly flushed the eye with warm salt water. It had worked with Heidi previously and she completely recovered. Hers looked worse than Cow’s too, but Heidi is Heidi, she’s a tough cookie.

I rang the vet many times, but could not get through and I didn’t want to take Cow to the clinic and wait for hours. He’d be so stressed and susceptible to infections at the clinic.


Tiger accompanied Cow all afternoon as he rested.
When it really matters, you can count on Tiger. He’s got a heart of gold.

By evening, Cow’s eye still had not improved at all, so I rang the clinic again and this time, I managed to get an appointment.


It looks okay, right?


But it isn’t. He was still tearing and it’s difficult to keep the eye open.

Finally, it was our turn and one look, and the vet said Cow has a corneal ulcer.

What?? Again??

How did that happen??

Well, who knows, right?

So I told the vet about Cow’s history in the past 3 months, how he was treated for his eye injury and then had the third eyelid flap operation. The vet said once you’ve had an eye injury like this, your eye will be vulnerable to it again and again. For some dogs like the Shitzu, it’s a life-long malady. The owners learn to cope with it.

Then again, for Cow’s case, it could also be due to a new injury, or something that got into the eye. Maybe soap or chemicals? I don’t use any soap and chemicals there, so it cannot be that. It is probably a fight again. Well, we won’t know unless Cow tells us.

Now, this vet doesn’t like to go on the aggressive if it’s not warranted, so he did not do the stain (fluorocein) test. He switched off all the lights and used a torch to check the eye. There’s definitely an ulcer. It’s confirmed. Of course he told us to look, and I could not see a thing. Only a patch of cloudiness. There is a scratch across the eye too and there is a large patch of indentation.

Scary as it sounds, the vet said, “It’s VERY minor. Let’s get it to heal by itself.”

The vet taught us how to look out for signs of deterioration.

1. Check the size of the pupil with the good eye. If the size of the bad eye is much smaller, that means it’s getting worse.

2. Feel rightabove the eye, if the bad eye feels softer than the good eye, it’s also getting worse. It means it’s inflamed inside.

3. Shine the torch and check the indentation. (This one, I won’t be able to do as I cannot see a thing. But I can check the cloudiness.)

What we do now would be to support healing:

a. Vetri DMG, twice a day, to boost immunity.

b. Eyedrops (Shinacol) every two hours, if possible. If not, apply an eye ointment (Ilium Optichlor) 3 times a day and at night. I asked if Gentamycin could be used. The vet said not yet. That would be the second step. Don’t overkill.

c. Flush the eye with sterile saline (I cannot find this at pharmacies yet). It’s not just saline, but sterile saline. Does anyone know where I can get this, please?

d. Denzo (papase enzyme), twice a day. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory.

He should recover, and if he doesn’t, the next step would be to take oral Lysine. The reason for this is a bit complicated. The herpes virus can cause corneal ulcers, but there is no way to check for herpes virus in cats as it cleverly hides itself. Viruses attack cells by filling into thelock-key gap in the cells. However, Lysine has a molecule that is similar to the herpes virus’ structure, so if the Lysine molecule can lock into the cells and fills up the lock-key gap, this prevents theherpes virus from lockingitself and doing damage to the cells.

Oh, I see….(thanks to sitting through Chemistry lessons, I think I understand this.)

The last option, would be the third eyelid lap operation again.

Meanwhile, it would be good to put Cow on the e-collar. Sobs…again, but yes, it’s definitely for a greater good.



Of course he’s upset.

And it wasn’t easy feeding him the medicines. We are starting from square one again. Poor me, I already got bitten.


He cannot open that right eye.


At the sick bay. Poor, poor Cow.


Cow had forgotten how to eat with the e-collar on again, so he boycotted food last night. Went away hungry and extremely upset. Well, the vet did say he needs to lose weight. So I wasn’t unduly worried that he boycotted his food.

Cow weighed 6.375kg (at the clinic).


He ate at breakfast this morning.


And he took off his collar after that.

So I want to know, which one of you injured Cow??


What a totally stupid question…

You know, Cleo, you’re not off the hook, okay? You have this habit of scratching people as they walk past.


Indy, was it you???


Not you, Bunny, I know. You’re as gentle as a lamb.

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother…
The Osmonds:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vcm0d5eV-U
Watch till the end…!!


It wasn’t us, promise! It wasn’t us!!


Rest and recover well, Cow.

I really, really hope this doesn’t escalate into anything serious.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2015/03/14/holy-cow-not-that-right-e..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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