Updates On 10th Mar 2015
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Recently, the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Team responded to a Hotline call about an injured turtle who appeared to be stranded at Changi Beach. Upon arrival, we realised that the turtle was actually a freshwater soft-shelled turtle, most probably an abandoned illegal pet who had been irresponsibly released into the sea- a totally unsuitable habitat for this freshwater animal. Scar was found with ulcers and sores all over his body, which were probably caused by the sea water.
Poor Scar probably entered the sea then scrambled back onto dry land after realising that it wasnt fresh water. He was very dehydrated and drank fresh water as soon as we made available to him. Scar is currently recovering at the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre (AWRC).
He is a rather tame, which tells us that he was probably being illegally kept as a pet. Scar has months of treatment ahead of him, and we have to ensure that he does not suffer any infections during this time. Due to the horrendous ulcers and sores on his body, we are having some difficulty identifying his species but, so far, we strongly believe that he is an Asiatic soft shelled turtle, native to Singapore.
We thank the callers for helping to contain the turtle safely while we were on the way, and we hope that he will recover quickly so that he can go back to the wild as soon as possible.
#ACRES #ACRESWildlifeRescue
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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