Updates On 3rd Mar 2015
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The Green Corridor Run 2015 is just around the corner, and guess who is running to raise funds for the animals?
Louis Ng, our Chief Executive, together with colleagues Lionel and Sabrina, will be donning their running hardware to raise funds to provide warmth for Walnut and other rescued animals!
Our Chinese New Year campaign has now ended, and we are really thankful to each and every one of you who donated and helped raise more than half the amount needed, and we want to reach our target with this last push!
To aid us, Marie Choo, an avid runner herself and a volunteer with ACRES, will be chipping in by lending her legs and efforts so that the animals will live better lives!
We urge all you kind souls out there to support us as we speed through the green corridor this coming 8 March!
Support the animals here: http://www.simplygiving.com/warmthforwalnut
We are almost there, so please give generously! Thank you!
#ACRES #WarmthForWalnut
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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