Updates On 21st Feb 2015
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We have EXACTLY A WEEK left to the end of our campaign to give warmth to Walnut and the other animals in our care, and we have not hit our target yet! We still need YOUR help!
We want to begin 2015 by making a difference for recently rescued animals such as Candy, an apricot milk snake, and others who require custom-made enclosures to ensure optimal living conditions. We also want to make the living space as good as it can be for the tortoises in our quarantine who are unfortunately sick (due to abandonment or improper care when they were kept as pets) or have to be quarantined.
Providing these optimal living conditions for the animals will not only improve their lives, but will help us to more efficiently use our space and improve our animal care work flow.
Of course, at the same time, we continue our education programmes and efforts to tackle the illegal exotic pet trade, so that in the future there is no need for a wildlife rescue centre at all- which is our ultimate aim. But while there is such a need, we strive to continue to do the very best for the rescued animals in our care.
Help provide for the animals here: http://www.simplygiving.com/warmthforwalnut
Thank you!
#ACRES #WarmthForWalnut #EveryCentCounts #CaringForTheAnimals
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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