Her name is Kenya and we call her Ken. She is 2 yrs old. All the while she would stay inside the hse. Just a month ago, she started to jump over a 6 ft tall wall and like to spend some time alone at the backlane. No idea of her sudden change of behaviour. She would stay close to the hse and not wonder far away. She is spayed and very gentle as she has never hissed, scratched or showed us the nails. She has 5 beautiful kittens @ 10 mths old.
The vet cannot tell us the exact cause of her facial injury. Somehow, i really don't think this is an accident - hit by motorbike or car. The backlane is quiet and only one or two cars pass by in the evening and they hv to drive slow. Only the security guards are on motorbike.
I read in the websites that blind cat can be happy cat too. They do not need to see to move around in the hse. I just need to learn how to take care of a blind cat.
KY, you hv my permission put up on yr blog. I told my son and Ken that "if Citta can survive, she can too". Cats and dogs are tough.
Yes, please pray for her. Animals are universal and do not hv specific religion, right?
Thank you,
I've told Reena we would all pray for Kenya's recovery. We have been praying a lot lately, especially for Brownie, Puppy and Poppy. Yes, animals do not need a religion because they don't think as complicatedly as we do. In fact, do WE even need a religion? With so much politics involved in everything that we humans do and claim to embrace, I sometimes prefer to say that my religion is KINDNESS. Throw out the politics, and just function from the heart, I'd say.
Reena, I hung in there for Vixey, and even though it was difficult, I nursed Vixey for two years until she passed on on her own.
So, hang in there for Kenya and let us know if we can be of any help to you.
Let's include Kenya in our prayers alongside all our animal friends, folks.
Kenya, get well soon. You're a strong girl!
More about Kenya:
Hi Kah Yein,
Thanks for the encouragement and support. Replied to yr earlier email and you can blog my story.
I really respect you. Having pets, Is really emotionally attached.
I didn't feel so sad or cried so much when my late grandma was hospitalised. The moment I saw Ken I could not stop crying and my eyes was swollen till this morning ( so embarassing)...
When my pets are sick or injured, i feel extremely sad. It difficult to feed medicine to Ken. I hv to send her to clinics for almost 10 days for injection I did ask myself, " am i crazy?". I don't really feel sad when my son was not feeling well. When he refused or found difficult to swallow the pills, I scolded him. Well, my cats do not fight or talk back. When I am sad, they actually come near and rub their heads on me. Every night, all 7 cats will actually sit together with me before I clean up the cage & sand for the night. Whenever I call their names, the come to me.
My family started to hv cats when we saved a few wks old kitten from the drain. He did not survive after a month. We were sad and start looking for kitten at Petfinder. We found "little pinky" renamed James. He was saved by Lynette a very kind hearted lady just like you. James was lonely and I got Ken from a friend. Before I managed to spay - neuter them, Ken was found pregnant. At her young age i though it should only be 2 kittens but she gave birth to 5. That's how we ended up with 7 cats. All spayed & neutered.
Reena, I can understand why we cry so much for our animals and not so for the humans. I do the same too. It is because we can explain things to humans about their condition and they would be able to understand and communicate to us about how they feel. With animals, we cannot do this. We can only hope that they understand.
I used to cry each time I had to leave Mac and Bobby with my mother when we went for short holidays. It's not that they are not safe, it's because I could never be sure if they understood why I had to leave them for a few days. I would suffer so much thinking of how they would wait for us to come back and not understand why we had left them for a while. No more travelling for me, please!