Will You Show These Dogs That Not All Humans Are Heartless?
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Please Help Care For Thousands Of Dogs Rescued From The Barbaric Dog Meat Trade!
Theyve been rescued from a cruel death now they need your help to survive. Please click here http://bit.ly/saveddogs to show dogs like this that not all humans are heartless.
These dogs were captured by dog meat traders and shoved into cramped cages, then hurled onto trucks with hundreds of others. They were going to be skinned alive and sold for meat.
Thousands of traumatised dogs have been rescued from the barbaric dog meat trade. Now they need food, shelter and, in some cases, urgent vet care. Please help pay for it by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/saveddogs
These poor dogs have already been through so much. We cant turn our backs on them now. Please help for just a few dollars a week: http://bit.ly/saveddogs
For just a few dollars a week, you can help look after the victims of the brutal dog meat trade. These dogs were rescued from an excruciating death and now they need shelter, food and a little TLC. Will you help?
Source: http://bit.ly/saveddogs
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