Just came back from visiting Puppy. He is definitely doing WAY better compared to yesterday. He made those crying-puppy noise when he saw people around. The lady (gosh I don't know why I keep forgetting to ask her name) told me he made lots of noises today, either because he was hungry or he saw people around and started to 'manja'. She said he is considered 'stable' now. She still won't let me take photo though.
Puppy has that cute-sad-puppy eyes and a brown nose (if I remember correctly, hehe). He could stand and scratch himself when i was there. Responded to my finger at the cage too, hehe. So cute I can pinch him all day!
I've posted fostering notice on PASS's Facebook Page and have asked around. No taker so far. Like what Janice mentioned, the lady said Puppy will need to be on med for about a month.
We need a fosterer for Puppy (in Penang). Please help.
Contact: janice_sfng@hotmail.com
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