Save Dogs Like Adela From A Lonely, Painful Death
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Adela was probably just trying to find something to eat when she got caught in the wild boar trap.
Piercing through her flesh, the twisted metal ripped through her right shoulder and down her leg. There was nobody to hear her cries.
We will never know how long she lay there before she was found by someone passing by the remote area. The pain and suffering she would have endured in that time is unbearable to think about.
Stray dogs like Adela have nobody to help them in situations like this. There is no owner to care for them and get them to a vet. These dogs desperately need your help if they are going to be saved from miserable, lonely deaths.
Thanks to existing Soi Dog supporters, when she was brought to our shelter by the person who found her, we were able to take her in and give her immediate emergency care. Her wounds were flushed out and dressed and our vets are monitoring her daily and hoping her leg can be saved.
As you read this, there is another dog that needs your help. Alone and suffering from injury or illness, without your support, these animals simply won’t make it.
It takes just a few dollars a week to change this heart-breaking situation and give so many a second chance at life. Can you do this for dogs like Adela?
Every day, Soi Dog Foundation picks up sick and injured stray dogs and cats. Their suffering is immense. Please donate to help us save them.
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