I drove down to PJ to visit Brownie this morning and managed to speak with the vet. He said Brownie is "slightly better", has not vomited or had any diarrhoea (yay!) and the prognosis is now better. Brownie also ate by himself this morning.
He is still on the RetroMad1, but according to the vet, Brownie had already started improving even before the drug was administered. The drips had helped.
For us, we are not so interested as to which treatment or medicine helped - we just want Brownie to get well and we'll do the best we can.
I told the vet to do everything that Brownie needs to get him well again. A blood test will be done this afternoon to check Brownie's blood count again. Brownie has definitely shown clinical improvement, but a blood test would be more conclusive.
Here's Brownie...he is sitting on his chest, but appears to be scared and rather sad. I guess he doesn't have much confidence without his mummy, Angel. He must miss her very much too. Brownie was so attached to his mum.
Hey, Brownie...you get well soon, okay? You're going to be fine. Brave boy...
I sat with Brownie for a while, and since the vets were busy on their rounds, I did not want to stay too long. The clinic has recently implemented "visiting hours" from 12noon to 7pm so that the vets could do their round in peace in the morning. It's actually a very good idea. I didn't know about this new ruling until I reached there today.
Winnie visited at lunch time and managed to take Brownie for a walk!
He looks so much better sitting up.
He looked sad again when Winnie left.
This is from Winnie:
Hi Kah Yein, Just done visiting Brownie. He was a bit scared initially. But I took him out for a walk, assure him that he will be ok & going home soon to see mummy Angel. The vet took his blood to test. He will let me know the result when I come back later in the evening. Till then, let's just pray is a positive one.
Thank you for lighten up his day by visiting & showing him that we care & always by his side.
Regards, Winnie
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