
Updates On 19th Dec 2014



A Very Special “Love Note” to Thank You For Saving the Dogs From Christmas Day Eviction

We simply had to do something extraordinary to thank all of you who have helped us halt the Christmas Day eviction of 450 rescued dogs from Sasha Pesic’s breathtaking cage-free sanctuary in Serbia. Here you see many of the dogs enjoying their dinner in a heart formation. This special photo is the best way we can express our love and gratitude to each of you.

This sanctuary is a place of love like none other. The dogs can run and play and nap in the sun throughout the day. At night, they sleep in straw-lined beds in a stable. After all the hunger and cruelty of the past, each dog is so thankful to be here. And that is why we simply can’t let them lose their home.

Although the city of Nis is demanding that the dogs be relocated (in about 6 months) we can work together to make sure that a new haven is ready for them. We’re asking the city to donate a new piece of land to become a PERMANENT home for the sanctuary and we need your help to raise the money to build the dog’s shelter on that property. After all, this dog sanctuary should be a model for others around the world. The dogs don’t suffer in tiny kennels. They live, really LIVE here, and not a day goes by when they don’t feel loved.

Donations in any amount will be GRATEFULLY accepted. The Harmony Fund charity is jointly administering this fund with volunteers at the shelter in Serbia.

YOU CAN MAKE A DONATION HERE: http://www.petcaring.com/animal-rescue/450-dogs-to-move-to-new-sanctuary-/43790

Thank you for saving the dogs!!!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/GreatAnimalRescueChase/photos/a.135..



Animal Rescue Chase

The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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