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Sunday, 31st Jul 2011, by AnimalCare

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Myers called saying Citta had been spotted at the playground behind the clinic. So I drove over quickly. 

By the time I reached, Myers said Citta had bolted towards the shopping mall. Gosh, she has crossed the mainroad again!

This was about 6.30pm and it was peak hour traffic.  

I drove over to the shopping mall and there was Citta, right there at the parking lot. She was very restless and clearly, she was trying to get back to the clinic. But traffic was SO bad and she was very scared. 

We could not do anything except to watch her and pray for her safety.

I told Myers not to give chase. It will not work. Citta has a very strong sixth sense and the moment she senses she is being hunted down (albeit for a good reason), she will run. We'll just have to keep her in sight and look out for her as best we can, and hope she will somehow get back.  

Citta ran...she crossed the road. There was so much traffic, but she weaved her way through and each time she crossed the road, we could only watch in trepidation. I put out my hand to get the cars to slow down.

Colin was ahead of us and was running after Citta. 

Citta kept running. 

This was a totally helpless situation. All we could do was to pray for her safety and that she would get back to the "safe side". Citta stopped many times to catch her breath. Poor, poor girl... I kept sending her calming thoughts. Calm down, Citta, calm down, don't run. But she was clearly so afraid. The traffic was certainly no help as it was peak hour jam and traffic was very heavy.      

 We watched Citta cross this road. It was a heart-stopping moment, but cross it she did.

By the time we got over to the other side, Colin was still running after Citta. Citta ran towards the back of the clinic block. I wanted to get back to my car; I had parked at the side of the road beside the shopping mall and had gone on foot. 

We should just stop the chase so that Citta would not be afraid, would calm down and return to the clinic tonight.

As another volunteer, Darren, was driving me back, Myers called to say Citta had been caught.

Phew...at long last!

 Apparently, the owner had arrived with her daughter and Citta's mum-dog.

 Here's Citta, safe and sound...and leashed!

Apparently, according to Colin, Citta ran back towards the clinic, the owner's daughter, Mei Chee, called Citta by her real name, which was "Mimi" and Mimi Citta came running to her.

So, that was it! It was Mei Chee who eventually "rescued" Mimi Citta.

 This is Mimi Citta's mum, Lucy.

 Citta, safe and sound.....
You sure made our heart stop multiple times today!

 That's Mei Chee with Mimi Citta.

 Reunited...mum-Lucy and Mimi Citta, and owners.

I asked the owner if she knew who lopped off Citta's nose, she said she didn't know.

I called Wani and the vets to let them know Citta had been caught and is now safe. Since the clinic is closed today, the vets could not come, so Wani said to take Citta and mum to the clinic in PJ for boarding for the night. 

Colin gave me a lift back to my car and I drove back to the clinic. It was decided I would take Citta and mum-dog would go in another car. 

 Mei Chee and Mimi Citta in my car, in the backseat.

 Our arrival at the PJ vet. Citta was too scared, so I had to carry her down.

Mei Chee, with Mimi Citta and Lucy.

All is well now. Both are boarding for the night at the PJ vet. I met Wani there.

As I drove home, I thanked all of Citta's guardian angels, seen and unseen, for seeing to her safety today. I am amazed that she crossed the mainroad so many times today, unscathed. I am truly amazed. There is divine intervention, that's for sure. And they say cats have nine lives? I think Citta had 19 lives today....! 

And maybe I too had 19 lives today because my heart stopped so many times! 

The moral of today's event is that you simply should never chase after a dog who is scared. It won't work. They have four legs and we only have two. The moment the dog panics (remember that dogs and most animals have a strong sixth sense), the dog will run and it will not be able to think rationally at all. What we have to do then is to stay as calm as possible (the dog is reading your mind) and keep the dog in sight as far as you can. Don't even transmit the thought "I want to catch you". Just send the message, "Be safe, calm down, be safe". Send loving and calming thoughts - and to do that, we have to stay VERY calm.   

I am home now, and thankful that Bobby and the cats are safe at home!

Phew! What a day!

I need a bath....!!

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