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Sunday, 31st Jul 2011, by AnimalCare

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The vet called me today, from out of town. Citta had run off as another vet was taking her for a walk this morning.

I rushed to the clinic, got a friend to put that posting you see before this, and called Koo for help. Koo was at MidValley, but he said he would come.  

At the clinic, the vet who took her for a walk told me Citta had wriggled out of her collar and bolted. She trailed Citta several times around the block; Citta was just running round and round the block. But at one point, Citta was at a junction and the vet just stopped to answer a phonecall and Citta bolted. Since then, she has not sighted Citta.

She got into my car, with her little brother who was also helping, and we drove around the housing estate. We saw many cats under cars, but no dogs. We stopped to ask passers-by and no one had seen a dog with Citta's description. We must have covered every possible road, including the alleys that my Kelisa could go into. 

I kept Wani informed through sms. 

Koo arrived and he also drove round.

Another vet came all the way from PJ to help. 

My husband was across the road getting his car serviced, so I told him to look, just in case Citta had crossed the main road.  No sign of Citta on that side.  

Soon, the PJ vet called to say he had sighted Citta. 

 There she is....she appears to be resting in a pool of mud, maybe to cool down.

The vet got down and approached slowly.  

Citta is too alert - she got up and starting running.

Koo came round and drove his car in front of Citta and tried to corner her. Citta was afraid and turned right towards the road out to the main road. Oh no...don't cross the road, Citta, please don't. But it was too late. Citta crossed the road and all our hearts stopped beating.  She weaved her way through the fast-moving cars and I saw her approached the divider, then I lost sight of her.

She must have crossed over to the car service centre. We all crossed the road.

 We searched everywhere but she was no where to be found.

We then went back to the clinic area to decide what to do next.

The PJ vet drove over to the car service centre and soon spotted her again. Citta was trying to get back to the clinic, but this means she would have to cross that nightmarish mainroad again.

From across the road, I suddenly spotted Citta. She as running along the pedestrian path along the perimeter of the mainroad leading down to the highway (to the Federal Highway).

We hurriedly dashed across that mainroad again and followed her on foot. We did not run, we walked. Any form of running would scare her and make her run even faster.   

She was no where to be found. I figured a frightened dog would just run straight. She won't have time to think and rationalize.  So the vet's brother and I went along the trail of the pedestrian path.

A man walked up the path and I stopped to ask if he had seen a light brown dog going down the path. 

He said YES - it's there, under the bridge.

OMG...it's Citta!!

 She was lying down on that barren piece of land.

The PJ vet approached her slowly. Best to let the vet handle this as they know dogs better. 

But Citta got up and walked towards the highway...oh no. Pray... Please don't cross the highway, please don't, Citta.

Cars were moving real fast on this road leading to the Federal Highway.

Citta went onto the highway, she tried to cross it, but she decided against it (thank goodness!), and then, she started running up the road.  She IS trying to get back to the clinic.

We followed her from a distance. She must not feel threatened in any way or she would bolt again.

 Citta ran all the way on the side of the road, and crossed the mainroad again.

 Then, she crossed the road back to the "safe side" (on the side of the clinic again).

We followed all the way, and the vet said she saw Citta safely on the side of the clinic, so it's back to the housing estate already.

The two vets went back to the clinic and I drove around the whole housing estate, but could not spot her anymore. 

The vets decided there is no point searching anymore because even if we spot her, we cannot do anything. We'd just frighten her and she would run again, and we cannot risk her running, especially if she crosses the road again.  

So, the best bet now would be to leave food outside the clinic and PRAY that she will come back when she is hungry. 

The whole search took about 2 hours. 

We will try again this evening.  

If you'd like to help, please do not get excited if you spot her as she can sense your excitement and anxiety and she will run.

What we can all do now is to PRAY that Citta is safe and that she will come back to the clinic.  

If it's any consolation, Bobby ran away from home twice many years ago. I drove around and spotted him but he too bolted when he saw me.  When frightened and traumatised, animals will run and they too cannot think rationally anymore. Bobby came back on his own after 8 hours (the first time) and after 4 hours (the second time).

We pray Citta will come back. 

If you'd like to help, Citta is MDDB's dog, so please contact Wani for instructions.    

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