UPDATES: Baby Paloh has been freed!! But please continue to source out any form of animal cruelty and send the news to me - I'll post it here and we can collectively do something constructive about it.
For one who doesn't even have the time to read the newspapers or listen to the news, I am totally guilty of now knowing what is going on in the world around me except whatever I have direct contact with (unless it's a big enough event like Bersih!). So, I would really appreciate all of you writing to me if there are any cases worth highlighting on this blog.
Jessie Yee highlighted this case to me - it is about Baby Paloh, a baby elephant who is not treated fairly and not treated well by our authorities.
Here it is:
Baby Paloh is a baby elephant in the run down johor zoo that has his legs chained up. He can barely move, only inches & is left under the sun throughout the day. The authorities claim that this is baby paloh's training regime & that he is not chainedup all day..not that i trust our local authorities' words in any sense. I wonder whether baby paloh is an elephant or a criminal who has to be chained up like that!!! Baby Paloh's case is creating headlines is other countries & an FB page has been set-up. Foreigners have also been actively writing to authorities, embassies & our the PM to have baby Paloh rescued & released. Many foreigners have even pledged never to visit Msia & i don't blame them. I hope you can write about BAby Paloh & urge Malaysians to act on this case by writing to the authorities. This is close to my heart as I used to have a sponsored elephant Max in Thailand who passed away 2 years ago. I hope to be able to do my little bit to help baby paloh in memory of Max. Here are some links on baby paloh & the FB page: https://www.facebook.com/notes/jude-price/write-for-paloh-to-malaysian-officials/10150270397168259 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/07/27/facebook-page-to-save-paloh-the-baby-elephant-after-zoo-cruelty-sparks-world-outrage-115875-23299296/ Many thanks Jessie
Yes, let's do the necessary to give Baby Paloh a better life. He deserves it. We must help....because we can.