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Thursday, 28th Jul 2011, by AnimalCare

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Winnie Low first contacted me to seek help to rescue a few dogs in North Port. Winnie suspects these may be abandoned dogs, and the piece of land where they reside in is totally barren. Winnie's father has been feeding them bread and leftovers.

No one responded to her request for help, so Winnie thought she should just attempt to catch them herself, and she succeeded on Sunday. 

She caught two of the friendlier ones - a young mother-dog (now called Angel) and her young male puppy (now called Brownie).  



Today, she brought Angel and Brownie to our panel vet for spay-neuter.

Gosh, they are so beautiful...

 And sweet and friendly...I don't think they are feral dogs at all. Must be either abandoned, lost or captured-and-dumped.

 Brownie is so very attached to his mum, Angel. 

 And Angel...well, is a total Angel. She absolutely melts your heart.

 Winnie adores them, too. But she already has two dogs of her own...

 When the vet took Angel out to be weighed, Brownie went berserk, so I had to carry him out to be with his mum.

 And they are together again.

 The vet, as is his normal protocol, explains all the risks involved in spay-neuter.

What could go wrong? 
(1) Anaesthesia
(2) Infection
(3) Bleeding
(4) Other causes

 Angel and Brownie wait under the table.

One would think these two have been previously trained as they are so well-behaved But Brownie is still very young and they have been living on that barren land for some time now, so Brownie is probably not a former-pet. Angel may be.  

 Angel has rather poor skin condition, but it is nothing serious; good nutritious food will take care of that.

I explained to Winnie that upon spaying, it is the clinic policy to V-notch the ear. The vet also explained that this is for the animal's safety and wellbeing to prevent her from being opened up again.

I asked the vet if he could do a smaller V-notch....?

 Wait a minute...is this a flat-tipped ear?

 Could she have been previously spayed? 

Sure looks like a flat-tip to me...

But the vet figured she couldn't have been spayed because she just gave birth to Brownie.

"See", the vet said, "that is why I do a big V-notch. When you want to do something, do it without leaving any room for doubt", he explained.  

 Brownie is estimated to be about 3-4 months old, and this would also explain why he is still so attached to his mum.

 The vet said Brownie can be neutered if Winnie wants it done, but ideally, if it can wait, 11 months would be a better age to neuter a male.

 Brownie looked worried without his mum, so I carried Angel up to be near him.

After a few hours, I went back to the clinic and Angel had already been spayed (nope, not previously spayed, so that wasn't a flat tip though it looked like one!).

 Recovering from the anaesthesia.

The surgery went very well, according to the vet.

 Brownie was quite miserable though he was just beside his mum. He hardly touched his food, poor little baby.

By evening, Winnie came to collect them.

 Angel saying "bye" from the car.
She's so incredibly sweet!

And Brownie is happy again...because mummy is near.

Winnie just texted to say they have reached home now.  

All's well.

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