Updates On 10th Nov 2014
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This is the home of the beloved Romanian rescuer Norica Prigoana. The pup wrapped in a towel is Panda whom she took in last week after he had been reportedly laying on the ground for a few days after being hit by a car. People were afraid of him. Yes, hard to believe, this little paralyzed pup received no help until Norica came along.
But now, Panda is settling in and already making friends. The first veterinary visits are already complete and a set of wheels and long term care are in the works. And the weekend was already such a happy time as we delivered a massive shipment of food to keep Norica’s dog sanctuary fully stocked for another month.
So, we ask, if you could bottle happiness, do you think you might start here?
Source: https://www.facebook.com/GreatAnimalRescueChase/photos/a.135..
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