Updates On 9th Oct 2014
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Are you passionate about animal rescue? Do you want to help build a healthy community for animals and people? Come and join our one-day workshop on “MANAGING ANIMAL POPULATIONS”.
**Featuring professional guests speakers from Singapore- Animal Behavioural experts Michelle Chan and Maureen Tay to conduct a session on Dog Behaviour.**
The Workshop Themes:
1. Humane Methods to Capture Strays.
2. Stray Animal Population Survey, Monitoring and Assessment.
3. Effective Communications and Community Outreach.
4. Prevention and Control of Animal-Related Diseases.
Who Should Participate?
-Individuals working on/ interested in Animal Welfare Management
-City/ Local Government Agencies responsible for Animal Welfare and Wildlife Management
-Representatives from local/ national/international organizations working on Animal Welfare Management.
For a registration form, please send your name and email address to us via Facebook or our email sarawakspca@gmail.com , no later than 15 October 2014.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SarawakSPCA/photos/a.176524749431.1..
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