We dropped in to visit Citta and Karuna on our way back from the event.
Hello...and you are? This is one of MDDB's other rescued dog. The vet says he is absolutely fine.
But incredibly demanding! Wani had asked me this morning to look-see on this dog.
Hello Citta!
The vet said she is doing "impressively well".
Citta is now able to eat on her own, which is very good news.
Karuna looks on from across the room. Hi, old girl!
The vet explained why he inserted two tubes to act as her nostrils. It is to prevent the skin from growing back and eventually sealing up what's left of the two "nostrils" so that she can still breathe through these two tubes.
The vet said I could take Citta for a walk.
The vet says she is reluctant to walk, but I'll have to coax her by pulling her along to go on. "Go on, just pull, it's perfectly okay", the vet said.
Hey, Citta, why don't you want to walk?
She did walk a bit, but she pulled me back in the direction of the clinic, so I knew she felt safer inside the clinic. It'll probably take her some time before she can trust humans again.
Poor girl...but don't worry, so many of us are praying for your recovery. You'll be strong and confident again, and beautiful too!
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