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Updates On 3rd Oct 2014


Love is Ageless, with a Sweet, Happy �Tail�…

�PERRY the cat was adopted from SPCA’s shelter at 2.5 months old in 1999. She is 14 years old now. She adjusted well into our family within a night and bonded with me in a day. She is the best of best friends with my hamster. Unfortunately, my hamster passed away. I could see the sadness in Perry’s eyes when she nudged him for the last time. I can’t imagine my life without Perry! This clever rascal learns tricks in a snap too! Thank you so much, SPCA, for rescuing this pretty baby.

Also, please adopt, don’t buy! Adopted pets are sweet, cuddly and clever, too.�

- lovingly contributed by Jamie Ng

Did you opt for adoption, and your adopted animal companion is now aged 7 years wise, or wiser? Do share with us your Happy ‘Tail’ to encourage prospective adopters to adopt a senior pet from the shelter, so that they too can partake in the experience and meaning from having an older animal companion in the household!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/spcasingapore/photos/a.283797778154..



SPCA Singapore

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA Singapore) is the first registered animal welfare organisation in Singapore. The two main objectives of SPCA Singapore are: to promote kindness to animals and birds, and to prevent cruelty to animals and birds.

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