Yesterday, I was totally and completely konked out after dinner. With getting all my books back, carrying them from the car to the house (good workout for the arms, free "gym"), and collecting all the new tshirt stocks, plus rushing to finish my final exams marking, etc., it was a totally mad day and right after dinner, I was absolutely and completely konked out.
The stock-checking would have to wait....sleep is more important.
But, here's the beauty of sleeping early and rising early....
I start the day at 5am.
First, you feed the VIPs.
Then, you look at what you have to do, and figure out the best and most efficient way of doing it.
Now, all the Ladies Sizes need to be labelled first. The printing company does not provide us different labels for Ladies Cut, so I have to label them piece by piece.
Halfway done....
All done. Labelled and sorted out by sizes.
Check the stock. Put the new tshirts into their respective boxes with the old stock. Pack the pre-orders (postal). Then, pack for today's event.
Dawn is breaking....(don't hear the sounds of the cockerels, but never mind).
All packed for today's event.
These are the books. Luckily Mary came by yesterday, and we have already loaded today's books into her car.
After breakfast, the kitchen needs a good scrub. Bobby is pretty messy nowadays. Never mind, old people are like that....we would be too, one fine day, if we get there, that is!
The floor needs mopping...
There...all done.
Check list for event....done.
Loose change for the tshirt sales.
And, energy for the day.
You have a nice day, too!
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