When I received the sms from Punitha just now, I held my breath.....
Forwarded sms from the fosterer, Kak Azah:
Good morning. No worries. Stuart is doing fine. Already dewormed. He has not vomited since we brought him home. Will try to put him with mummy-cat tonight and see if she will accept him. If not, will continue syringe-feeding him with Milkodog. It's a good milk for kittens.
Yay!!! I replied Punitha first to thank her for all her efforts.
From yesterday until this morning, I have been living on the edge on Stuart's case. First, praying that Devi will relent and release Stuart to the fosterer. I had texted her first thing in the morning asking her to please reconsider and let the fosterer try to save Stuart. Second, praying that Stuart would hang on while Punitha was in the process of trying to contact the fosterers who had offered earlier. It was only last night, at 9pm, that Stuart finally reached Kak Azah's home. Then, praying that Stuart will last through the night and be stronger every moment. And, also, praying that Stuart will have affinity with the new milk.
Gosh, I don't remember ever saying so many prayers for so many things in a day!
Kak Azah says she will monitor, and if Stuart does not agree with Milkodog, she will buy Pets Own Milk.
I am now going to close my eyes and say a prayer to thank all our guardian angels for making this possible, but I need to thank the greatest guardian angel of all, Punitha, for making all the efforts and going all the way to call fosterers, speak to them, never giving up....all for the sake of little Stuart.
Stuart (and Cindy) have gone such a long way, from almost having ended up at the shelter where they would be euthanised, to being adopted by Devi (but being given human milk instead of kitten milk) and now, Stuart is the one left standing....
Please continue your prayers that Stuart will be stronger every moment under the watchful eye and loving care of Kak Azah.
Thank you, everyone.
Note: Pets Own Milk is not as readily available as Milkodog or Animalac. I have used all three before, and my personal preference is Pets Own Milk. Cow, Bunny & Pole were on Animalac (Pets Own had not come out then, 5 years ago). I could not get Milkodog at that time. They were only 2 days old, and although Animalac isn't "that good", it worked on them. It's all about affinity....
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