
Chocolatey Teddies (Blanket No. 61) Up For Auction!



This is the first blanket using the cloth contributed by Ms Ooi Bee Ean. Ms Ooi had gone for a holiday in Penang and purchased many pieces of soft and lovely cotton cloth.Thank you very much, Ms Ooi.


1. Please check the latest comment for the latest bid before putting in yours.

2. All bids are placed as comments on this blogpost. All comments will be published instantly in chronological order.

3. Theauctionends at5.00pm, on Tuesday, 23ndSeptember2014.

4. The winner is to bank in payment no later than 72 hours after the closing time failing which we reserve the right to offer it to the next highest bidder or to reauction. Winners who fail to bank in payment will be barred from participating in future auctions.

5. You may use a pseudonym when placing your bid, if you wish, butplease use a genuine email addressas we need to contact you if you win. Your email address will not be displayed.

6. Please participate responsibly in the spirit of goodwill, honesty and fun!

100% of the winning bid will be channeled to our Fund for the animals.

Do we hear RM150?

The bids as they come in:

22nd Sept:

At 7.37pm,Wine Dogs TB EE TT CC bid RM333.

21st Sept:

At 9.21pm, Incredible Hug bids RM288.

At 1.54pm, Faizati bids RM200

At 1.26pm, Incredible Hug bids RM188.

At 12.10pm, Irene bids RM151.


Here are two pieces of the soft cotton contributed by Ms Ooi. The colours complement each other, so I decided to match them together.


It’s a classic patchwork done with squares. I did not want to cut up too much of the teddies.


Sewing up squares can also be tricky with soft cotton, so after every row is done, I have to measure the two edges.


The cotton is so soft; this would definitely make a wonderful blanket for any weather.

That’s the magic of cotton – it keeps you cool on hot days and warm on cold days.


After I’m done sewing the top, the backing is done by my mum, in the beige cotton contributed by Agnes Cheong.


Here’s the finished blanket, measuring 51 1/2 inches by 83 inches.


Will this be yours?

For a donation of RM150, you will be helping in the neutering of a street dog or a street cat plus two vaccinations. Neutering and vaccination save lives.

To our readers who have been very supportive of all our efforts at raising funds to help the many animals who come through us, we thank you very much for your generous support. We know you have already bid many times and you already have many blankets now – thank you so much!

To our many, many applicants: We know your funds are all tied up in helping animals, but if you would like to help us in raising more funds to assist you in future and also to assist another applicants like you, you could help by sharing this link with your friends. All it takes is a click of a few buttons – share it on your Facebook page or blog. A few clicks can go a long way and only costs a few seconds of your time! All our funds eventually goes back to you and other applicants (and their animals, of course).

Thank you for your support and happy bidding!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/09/21/chocolatey-teddies-blanke..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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