This is gentle reminder that as of 1st June 2011, we already have a society bank account with Public Bank Berhad.
Our account number:
Public Bank Bhd 3168194929 (AnimalCare Society Petaling Selangor)
To make accounting easier for me, please channel your donations to the society bank account (as above) and not to my personal account at MBB because then, I'll have to do the bank transfer and wait for 2 days before the transfer goes through.
It is a lot of work managing the accounting, packing tshirts, posting tshirts, visiting the animals at the vet's, answering calls and smses, replying emails, settling vet's bills promptly, blogging the daily news, making arrangements for events, etc. The number of daily emails I receive are so many (for AnimalCare alone) that if I do not reply within 6 hours, it has already gone to the next page!
And, I also need to work for a living!
So, if you could please channel your donations to the PBB account, that would ease my work tremendously.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
And thank you very much for your continual support. It is much appreciated and though the work does take up 24/7 of my time, I enjoy it because at the end of the day, it's all for the animals.
There would be no AnimalCare without your kind support.
Thank you!
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