Apple and Simba are two more of the 21 stray cats being looked after by Peggy Quah.
Peggy writes:
Here are photos of Apple (spayed on Tuesday), andSimba, one year old male cat going to the vet and back yesterday. the rest of the spayed females have finished their medication but happily coming to be caged in at night but there is some outsiders male coming to attach them. Took Fluffy n Tracy to get their stitches off and Tracy panic and bit the attendant 's hand and my hubby got scratched in the hand too. I told them to let her go and I calm her down to take her back, leaving one more stitch on but at home she was ok when we took off the last stitch, she was just frightened being at the vet. How to get hold of other strays they will not let you near them.
Oh forgot to tell you, you name me as one of the cats in your blog. hehehe my hubby had a good laugh!
ha ha....Peggy the cat? So sorry...I must have been dead tired at that time. Have changed it already.
We thank Peggy Quah very much for her donation to our fund. It will go towards helping the next few animals who come through us.