A TCM Treatment For A Poodles Skin Problem
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My friend, JC, has been coping with her adopted poodle, Siew Mai’s, skin problem for many, many months now. JC has taken Siew Mai to three vets now and I even accompanied them on one such trip. Siew Mai has been prescribed all kinds of allopathic medicine but to no avail.
Poor Siew Mai feeling very down and depressed during the months of treatment.
Siew Mai’s skin has red patches, is itchy, and sometimes, it even turns blackish.
Being on the e-collar to prevent him from scratching and biting.
Vets suggested it could be due to an allergy, or fungus. So as with allopathic treatment, all kinds of medicines and creams (including steroids) have been prescribed and JC has tried them all on Siew Mai. Siew Mai began to have poor appetite and was often depressed.
Recently, I managed to find a vet who also practises Traditional Chinese Medicine as part of her practice. JC took Siew Mai for a consultation. The vet prescribed Chinese herbal medicine (in powder form) and a change of diet. The (home-cooked) diet was a recipe specially formulated for Siew Mai’s condition.
Within days, JC saw improvement in Siew Mai’s skin condition.
This photo was taken on 23rd August. The blackish parts improved tremendously within days of the diet change and herbal medicine.
And the best thing is, Siew Mai loves his new diet!
This photo was taken today (26th August) and according to JC, Siew Mai’s appetite has improved a lot too!
We hope Siew Mai continues to heal!
Our disclaimer holds. This post is intended only as a sharing. Please consult your vet for a diagnosis should your pet have a similar condition. Please do not self-medicate.
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/08/26/a-tcm-treatment-for-a-poo..
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