Here we go again....I know, it's endless, but that's the reality, and if we give up and say, "there are so many of them, how many can we help", then everybody will stop helping and the animals will suffer.
So, here goes:
Dear Dr.Chan, I would like you to help me post the photo of this kitten on your blog seeking for fosterer/adopoter. Apparently, my neighbour - the Aunty have no choice but to give the kitten away because her husband (the MAN OF THE HOUSE) DOES NOT LIKE CAT & ask Aunty to take the kitten outside of their house compound. But their son (sometimes Aunty) will then quietly bring the kitten back in. This happens a few times everyday & I don't know how long this will take. I just read about Creamie & Crakers look-alike kitten finally found a fosterer after a lot of effort in making calls & so o. I know it's hard to find a fosterer/adopter, but I'll just give it a try & keep my fingers cross. I can be contacted at 016- 2988 636. I've also post this on FB & Can I have the address of one of your panel clinic in KL area? Cos I would like to bring the kitten to do a check up, as I have a temporary-financial problem. But I will definitely donate back when I'm financially sound. P/S: FYI, the Uncle (aka MAN OF THE HOUSE) actually is not a animal lover. Last time he used to have a dog which was 24/7 chained at the corner of their porch. It is obvious that he wants it as a guard dog. And I often seen him "bathing" the dog by showering the dog with cold pipe water (just like people water their plants/flower). The dog pass away a few months back :( Regards, Jessy