Updates On 16th Aug 2014
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Our ‘ENDING ANIMAL CRUELTY’ campaign will be coming island wide to you tomorrow
This would also mark the end of this campaign for now. We urge you to help us make this last leg of the campaign a blast! Please donate generously to our ACRES donation tins if you do come across one!
It is also the last couple of days for our online Geofundit fundraising cause, so if you have been wanting to donate online, do so now!
Thank you so much for each and everyone who have been a part!
You have almost heard the last of this campaign for now; but ACRES will always dedicate ourselves towards ‘Ending Animal Cruelty.’
A promise to the voiceless from all of us ?.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.1015195491418152..
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