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Friday, 15th Jul 2011, by AnimalCare

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Huey sent me a link, but it's in Chinese writing, so I couldn't read it.  Apparently, according to it, the 2 Penang dogs were already put down yesterday.  

Huey also told me that a friend met the lady-owner of the dogs earlier and she was crying most bitterly.  The couple had fought a long hard battle to save their dogs.  They lost.  I can't even begin to imagine their sadness and feelings of helplessness.  

I do not know what makes some humans do such evil things and how they can sleep at night for the rest of their lives.  

As I've written earlier, the death sentence is one of the most foolish and cruel ideas created by humans.  They punish people who have killed another by the very same act that they deplore.  "It's wrong of you to have killed", they shout, "so, now, we will kill you".  I'm perplexed at human reasoning, sometimes.  

These dogs don't even KNOW or understand why they are being killed.  The death sentence is never meted out to mentally-challenged humans or juvenile humans (children) because they are considered incapable of understanding what is right or wrong, hence, they are spared from being put to death.

These dogs and all other animals are like children.  They do not have our human intelligence to reason as we do.  Applying our human laws on them is preposterous and unfair, and only goes to show how foolish we humans are.  

Enough said about these evil people.....

I'm taught that rebirth is immediate, so that's how I would console myself when an animal passes away.  It's little consolation, though, in this case, because their death sentence had been so, so utterly unfair.  

It was so terrible for me yesterday, knowing that they would be put down soon, and yet, there was nothing we could do about it anymore.  When I first heard of the verdict, instinctively (yes, I respond instinctively too) I wish I could offer my life in exchange for the lives of these dogs.  If it's a life that they want, hey, take mine.  At least I'd know why I'm going to be killed.  At least I'd understand.  These dogs do not understand and they would be so frightened when they sense death approaching.  

It's SO unfair.     

An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.  

Sometimes, I think humans are the ones who cause the most suffering in this world.  We know we are prone to evil, so create religions to train us to be better humans, but we don't practise it.  

"Do not kill" - the 1st Precept in Buddhism.
"Do not kill or cause others to kill" - Dhammapada, v. 129.  
"Thou shalt not murder" - the sixth commandment in Christianity (Exodus 20:2-17).
"There is heavenly reward for every act of kindness done to a living animal. Animals do pray to God as other creations do" - teachings of Prophet Muhammad.  
"Do not harm any living being" - the 1st Great Vow in Jainism.
"Do not kill.  All living beings are brothers and sisters" - Bhagavad Gita, fundamentals of Hindu teachings.  
"Ye must exercise the utmost kindness towards every living creature.  Man is generally sinful and animals are innocent, unquestionably one must be more kind and merciful to the innocent." - Baha'i teachings.
"Show respect to all living creatures. Mistreatment of any living creature is tabooed and forbidden." - Sikh teachings.  

One wonders why humans want to have religious teachings when humans themselves break them as and when they like.  

Our lives are governed by laws which are much higher and more noble than what we humans would ever be capable of comprehending.  

The "an eye for an eye" attitude is so disgraceful.  Just look deep into our hearts and we ALL know it's wrong to take revenge.  It is wrong to kill.  We don't need philosophers or religious teachers to tell us that.  We KNOW it ourselves.  

But some humans choose to listen to their ugly side.  Pity these Neanderthals.  

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