From: Lee Hong Liang Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:08 PM To: Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; Subject: Release the dolphins Krist, There is not even a need for constructive dialogue as there is only one action that RWS needs to take - release the dolphins. They belong to mother nature. No matter what dialogue theatrics you offer in saying how the animals are being well taken care of, RWS has been wrong right from the start when you deliberately encage the animals. Being sad on losing animals does not set the stage for you to "learn" from your mistakes and try and do better for other captured animals. Similarly, knowing that the health and well-being of the animals are important do not give you the right to take them away from their natural habitat. Why is dialogue even needed when the actions of RWS are egregious right from the start? You are answerable to your victims. Release the dolphins. Regards, Hong Liang
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