Updates On 25th Jul 2014
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Is intolerance to sharing our living space with the wildlife we have animal cruelty? ACRES often receive calls about poison pigeons, or mynahs caught in glue traps. Two of the many examples of acts carried out to get rid of them. Often how one has forgotten that this is their only home too.
“Isn’t this our home too?” – an impromptu ‘photo compilation’ of mynahs caught on camera with really cute reactions!
*PS: No birds were harmed in the making of this short photo compilation
Would you help them: (http://www.geofundit.com/ACRES/campaigns/Help-ACRES-raise-100-000-to-end-Animal-Abuse); see you at our carnival this Sunday too!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/pcb.10152296841456..
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