
Ringworm Treatment In An Elderly Dog (a Sharing)


Here’s a sharing by Yuen Foon on what she did for her elderlydog who contracted ringworm recently. We thank her very much for the sharing, but if your dog has ringworm, kindly consult the vet for a prescription specific to your dog’s needs.

From:Ho Yuen Foon
Date: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 7:31 AM
Subject: Ring worm
To: “chankahyein@gmail.com” <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Sis KY,

Thank you forposting somemore bottles of PathAway to me for the treatment of my 10-y-old dog’s skin problem.

My dog was diagnosed with ring worm on 29/6/14. Actually a week ago we noticed that his fur was not smooth buthad bumps. We never paid attention tohis skinas we were busy with treatment for his eyes. He’s been diagnosed with detached retina.The vet(specialist in eye) was trying to see if it was reversible. After it was confirmed that his eye condition was not reversible, we then had time to pay attention on his skin.

We took him to another vet. Hair pluck and agar culture confirmed that he’s suffering from ringworm.

The vet suggested that we shaved him till he’s bald. We managed to find a groomer who was willing to make our dog bald after informing the groomer of the dangers of ringworm and to disinfect his tools and room. I nearly fainted when I saw the extent of sores he had under his fur.

Dog was given Inox, Samylin and Uphlexin for 2 weeks. We bathed our dog at least once a week with Malaseb and let the shampoo stay on him for at least 10 min before rinsing with water. Hewas sprayed with PathAway at least 2X a day — in the morning before I go to work and in the evening after I come back from work. In the 2 weeks, I used up 2.5 bottles of PathAway. I sprayed generously when I got hold of the 2 bottles which you sent by Post Laju.

As both my parents are in their late 70′s and ring worm is passable to human beings especially the old, our dog was no longerallowed into the house but onlystayed in the porch. I mopped the porch with clorox water (a bit below half a pail of H2O + 1 cap (use the cap of theclorox bottle) of clorox) 2Xa day, i.e. before I go to work andafter I come back from work.All the cotton wool which Iused to clean my dog’s wound, I put them in a plastic bag, tie the bag upand throw away into the tong sampah at the end of the day.

After handling my dog, I always make sure that I bathe and change my clothes. The water for mopping, I throw into the big drain outside the house. I am glad after 2 weeks, he’s improved so much. No more new sores of ringworm, no more rednessbut doctor said to continue with Inox for another 1 month because he’s still not 100% healed. You can see the healing of his sores in the attached file. It must be a combination of medicine, PathAway, hygiene, good food and lots of care and loving kindness.

Now he has mange pula (not serious). When immunity drops, macam2 can attack. I will continue with cleaning the mange sores with saline water and spraying with pathaway. He’s not on medication for the mange because doctor said the mange ubat will react with Inox.

Now dog is on Inox (1 mth), Ursofalk (1 mth) and Uphlexin (2 weeks). I managed to get Inox for RM1.60 per capsule at a pharmacy (Agnes accompanied me there). Ursofalk was from another pharmcy, RM3.18 per capsule but Agnes got for her cats at RM3 per capsule from yet another pharmacy. Uphlexin,I gotfrom vet.

This week, I will wait for 2 more bottles of PathAway to arrive by Post Laju. TQ Sis KY.

Our disclaimer holds. Please consult your vet if your dog has a similar problem. A different protocol of treatment may be required for specific medical needs.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/07/14/ringworm-treatment-in-an-..




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