Bunny On Saturday Morning
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Last night, we had a few hours of panic.
Bunny started salivating. It wasn’t excessive, yet it was worrying because salivation, as I know it, could be a sign of poisoning. I was worried of the following:
1. Could Cow’s bite be so poisonous that it had begun to cause salivation?
2. Was Bunny allergic to the antibiotic injection, Vetri DMG or Transfer Factor? (I doubt this, as he has taken Vetri DMG and Transfer Factor for time immemorial)
The salivation increased after I force-fed him his evening dose of Vetri DMG and Transfer Factor. He hadn’t begun on his oral antibiotics yet as the injection was to last 24 hours.
At one point, at about 11pm, we almost wanted to take Bunny to the emergency clinic already. The salivation wasn’t excessive, but it was persistent and he did not look well.
But I decided to just hang on for another hour or so before rushing him in and stressing him (unnecessarily). So I slept in the room with him and soon, he jumped up on the bed to sleep with me, and phew….the salivation had stopped.
I was taking any chances, so I slept downstairs to monitor him.
With an FIV+ cat, you have to be extra vigilant and careful. Every symptom is a cause of grave concern. Even with mad cats, you have to be extra careful. Indy had a salivation episode after taking an oral antibiotic and subsequently plunged into a near-death incident a few years ago. He was then hospitalised, put on drips, had X-Rays and ultrasounds taken, repeated, and the whole works – all because…(well, no vet wanted to say with certainty what happened to Indy, because who knows exactly what happened to him, right? Indy is mad.) Finally, I had to take Indy twice daily for antibiotic injections as he simply could not take the medicine orally.
So back to Bunny now…
Ginger and family kept me company.
By 3am, Bunny seemed much better. I was confident the salivation had stopped.
I think he was protesting to being force-fed the Vetri and Transfer Factor as he spat out the latter capsule 4 times. Next time, if this happens, I had better not force it on him. He also didn’t want to eat the supplement-laced wetfood, that is why I had to force-feed him the tablet and capsule. In any case, Cow happily ate up the supplement-laced wetfood (well, he probably needs the supplements too).
This morning Bunny seemed more alert and cheerful, though still limping.
The antibiotic is best taken before meals for optimum absorption, but the vet said it’s alright to be taken with or after meals too. No harm done, he said. So I didn’t want to take any chances of another salivation episode. I gave the two little tablets (the antibiotic) in between food (while Bunny was eating). No incident. No salivation. Phew!
I would like to think that the worst is over now.
Oh oh…Bunny stopped.
Friends, friends….good boy, Cow. Let your brother pass, please.
Ok, phew…!
Bunny loves the spring green netting bed, so he has a choice of the red basket or the springy bed.
Meanwhile, Willy did not come today.
Timmy isn’t here either.
I always check for Timmy every meal time. His area is where the blue Tardis is. Under that tree – that’s where Timmy likes to hang out.
And Timmy likes to sleep at the Canopy Cafe all afternoon.
Peace at the patio.
Mr Zurik, you are 10% Cow.
Bunny Bun Buns.
He is hanging out with Tiger now.
Yups, it’s safer with Tiger.
Cow sleeps on the shelf.
And Indy is on guard duty, as always.
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/07/12/bunny-on-saturday-morning..
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