Updates On 5th Jul 2014
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Cat caught between higher-floor window pane and frame, in Marsiling
We were alerted, just yesterday noon (July 4, 2014), to a cat trapped between the window pane and sill of a 5th floor household of a block along Marsiling Lane. The cat – a grey/tabby local feline – does not belong to that household, and is suspected to be a community cat from that vicinity.
Our rescue pair, upon arriving at the scene, briskly used a catchpole, along with some strategy, to try to free the cat from its sticky situation. Care was exercised not to have it suddenly yanked from the window, in case it fell floors down, even as the officers have had to adjust the window aperture to set the cat loose, little by little. Following strong resistance attempts by the cat – as it kept clutching on to the window sill – for a while, it was finally heaved into a carrier, and out of its ordeal.
Apart from appearing jumpy, the cat was found to be alright and unharmed. As it was without a microchip, and the caller and bystanders could not identify its owner if any, it was promptly released on the ground floor. It must’ve been a really well-fed community cat, too, judging from its appearance and size.
We thank our caller, Mr Dan, who alerted us to the distressed cat found in his apartment, for his assistance.
The images provided here depict the:
- cat being lodged between the window sill and pane;
- SPCA Rescue Officer, Eugene, setting the rescued cat free from its carrier, on the ground floor; &
- the cat as it’s relaxing on the ground floor.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152241569823155&se..
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