
No Crash Of The Grilles; Only Recurring Dreams Of Timmy


It’s been 9 days since Timmy went missing.

As each day passes, the hope of seeing Timmy again diminishes gradually, yet I am still hoping I will hear that familiar crash of the grilles, and Timmy would appear.

Each time I hear Mr Zurik’s war-cry, I would rush out, but it’s Vincent and Mr Zurik. It is not Timmy.

We’ve put flyers along that row of houses where I hope Timmy might have been taken as there are cat owners there. And I’ve hoped that my phone would ring and someone would say, “Oh, that “missing cat” you advertised, hey, that’s actually OURcat, you know and we’ve confined him now”. But no, no one rang to say that.

So with each day, the hope gradually diminishes…

My heart jumps the moment my phone rings and it’s an unfamiliar number. I pick up the phone and hope it would be someone who has spotted Timmy, but no, it’s a someone asking for help with their rescues. I even keep my phone on (on “ring” mode) while teaching because I don’t want to miss a single call.

I’ve had recurring dreams about Timmy almost every night. One dream was of him coming home. Another dream was even weirder – my friend had taken him and he’s safe and sound.

Where is Timmy?

I think he’s been taken by someone. I pray whoever has taken Timmy is looking after him well.

The psychics say he would return home. Maybe he HAS returned home? To his real home? Maybe he was just passing by in 2012 and he had been lost all this while (when he was with us).

The time when Cleo got lost (kicked off from my arms right outside the vet’s clinic), a friend who has some psychic ability helped me look. He said he could sense Cleo was there. He was right. We found Cleo after hours of searching- Cleo had been right there all the time but she was too scared to come out of hiding. She only came out after nightfall. It was an unfamiliar place so she hid.

The time when Suki was run down on the road, I consulted a psychic, and he was right too. He said Suki was in a very confused state and she could not come home. He said he did not have a good feeling. He was right about that – Suki was already gone. We found her remains after that.

Then Pole escaped from our new house by scaling the wall when we first moved into this house. The psychic said Pole was trying to find her way back to our old house but he said I would be able to find her. Well, Pole came back after that, after her roof adventure, hopping from roof to roof. That’s when we fortified our fencing further.

This time, with Timmy’s case, I consulted two psychics on that very day itself. Both said positively that Timmy would come home and that gave me hope.

But he hasn’t.

When you have done all you can, and there is nothing more than you can do, you’d want to hang on to hope and believe in the positive. It’s a coping mechanism.

But the reality is that I may never see Timmy again. And though I put ona brave front, I miss Timmy terribly. And I’m crying buckets as I write this now.

Whoever has taken Timmy, please keep him safe and happy.

Two days ago, I came home early from work and Ginger, Rosie and Heidi were not around. After 4 hours, they were still not around and I started to panic. But as I was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Heidi appeared at my feet. Then Rosie came back from down the road and Ginger from his rooftop plaza.

Daffodil and Vincent are always in the porch. They don’t go anywhere these days. But that was also the case with Timmy and yet, he just mysterious disappeared into thin air that fateful afternoon. It’s so strange…

It’s different with Mr Zurik, though. He disappears after breakfast and comes back for dinner. After each meal, he tries to pick a fight with Vincent after which he would walk back to his house up the road. Then, he comes back for dinner and repeats the same thing. That’s his pattern.

I’ve spoken to some friends who are animal lovers and they said Timmy’s probably been taken and adopted because he’s so cute. I’m thankful no one has said anything negative because I’d really rather not hear anything negative at this point.


Meanwhile, life goes on…


And we have to continue caring for those who are with us.

There are so many uncertainties in life. We cannot take anyone for granted.

Every moment we have with them is precious.

We never took Timmy for granted. He was/is loved to the hilt and we enjoyed all his antics and he brought life to the patio.

I hope Timmy is doing his “happy days” stunts right now, rolling on the floor, somewhere….

But I’ll still come downstairs every morning hoping to see Timmy sitting on his favourite chair at the patio, waiting for breakfast.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/07/04/no-crash-of-the-grilles-o..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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