Sam recently crossed paths with an emaciated looking mama dog (nicknamed Ah Wong). She also has a maggot wound but around her genital area. Attached are some pics which speak louder than words! We did not exaggerate when the word "emaciated" is used, she's literally all skin and bones.
The genital area is swollen and bleeding with maggot wound. She is an old semi-stray and has been fed by one of the uncles. According to this uncle, the dog has now become anorexic since she gave birth to a black puppy. Ah Wong was brought to Dr. Edmund's clinic for a detailed checkup and treatment. The diagnosis thus far is quite heartwrenching as it just goes to show how much suffering Ah Wong has gone and is still going through.
According to Dr. Liu, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed:
(1) Ah Wong has bacteria in her blood stream (i.e an infection) as well as maggots around her private part
(2) TVT (Transmissible Veneral Tumour) - which has caused her private part to resemble "cauliflower"
(3) Ah Wong is also anemic
(4) Possible UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
(5) 3 lumps found in between her nipples
Dr. Liu's handwritten analysis report on Ah Wong's condition
Severely worn out teeth (According to Dr. Liu, Ah Wong is estimated to be 14 years of age
Now you may want to finish your meal prior to scrolling further... . . .
This is the damage that TVT has done to Ah Wong's private part . Due to her age, Dr. Liu could not proceed with the chemotherapy jabs that are normally used to treat/cure TVT . Her anus and vaginal opening are so severely messed up that Dr. Liu could not find proper channels for Ah Wong to do her business. Therefore, Ah Wong might need to undergo reconstructive surgery at a later stage. This is also one of the various reasons why we can never stress enough about the importance of spaying/neutering. TVT is a disease that is transmitted from one dog to another dog when they copulate. So to all dog owners out there, pls spay or neuter your loyal companion.
Poor Ah Wong was whining in agony when Dr. Liu was spraying Zoosamex to kill the maggots.
The three lumps between her nipples (One at the upper part)
Two more lumps at the lower part
Let us all send Ah Wong loads of positive vibes and give her a second chance. To those who would like to visit Ah Wong, you may bring some food for her. Since she's currently anemic, we reckon some liver or red dates soup in moderation would be good.
We would like to add that Sammy's medical fund will be used for Ah Wong's medical expenses as well. Pretty sure all the kind donors and Sammy boy would like to help more needy dogs. Thanks for all the generous contribution in cash and also supplements + loads of positive vibes and wishes!
We will keep you posted on Ah Wong's progress periodically.