I've been quite fascinated with the things Bavani can do and have done ever since I found out this petite girl had been a volunteer zoo-keeper at Zoo Negara and she dares to feed snakes! What courage!
Today, as we were manning the booth together, we talked about lots of things.
I told Bavani I had learnt from a very devout Hindu friend many years ago that helping animals, for Hindus, is the best way to redeem one's unwholesome karma. He never told me why, though.
Bavani said it's true, because Hindus are taught that every animal could have been their ancestors in one of their previous lives, hence, they have to be kind to all animals.
But more importantly, Bavani said, if one could do charity for animals as one would for humans, it shows the purest of intentions, that one no longer discriminates between humans and animals, and one sees all as equals. That, is charity in its purest form.
I read from Eknath Easwaran too, that the greatest wisdom one could possibly have is knowing and realising that we are so inter-connected and that we are one.