
Updates On 17th Jun 2014



- by Marianne Willemse of Love Animal House in Thailand

Bongo had a bad start in life, as most Dobermans do who are bought in anticipation of becoming fierce guard dogs. They are just like all dogs, in need of affection. When he disappointed his owner because he was too nice to the neighbors, he was beaten repeatedly, in the hope that he would serve his purpose and become mean towards intruders on the owners property.

At first he took the beatings, but the more he cringed, the angrier the owner became and the harder he was hit. But then one day, he bit his cruel masters hand. This infuriated the man, who then used a piece of wood to beat the dogs hind legs till the dog collapsed.

Watched by the neighbors, the owner packed his bags and left the house, abandoning the unconscious dog tied under the house. For many days he had no nourishment, until someone took pity on his plight and started to bring him water and food. By this time, no one could get near him. They had to throw the food to him. Obviously he was also in pain and in need of medical attention and of course a new home. But who would want to take him on, this battered, snarling, angry creature, except perhaps that crazy foreign woman, Mrs. Do Little, who was known to embrace even mangy, smelly street mutts with fleas? (Mrs. Do Little is a nickname that springs from my newspaper column about talking to animals)

Say no more, the vet was called, the dog was darted, put in a cage and off he went to Love Animal Sanctuary. Mrs. Do Little had to admit she was faced with a challenge. Although she had wrestled with lions and hugged bears, she was not about to open this cage door with all those big teeth glaring at her. You couldnt even look at the dog without it going into attack mode. What to do? We had to feed it and it couldnt stay in that tiny cage forever.

Plan B: When all else fails, use reasoning.

Okay, Mr. Doberman, so you dont like people looking at you, well then, I wont! Ill just put on this blindfold here and slowly open the door; just enough to get this food bowl in and please dont eat my hand! There you go. GROWL munches GROWL munches

For about ten days I personally fed the guy blindfolded. The staff were afraid of him until one day there were no growls, just munch, munch, munch. Time for step number two, to get a collar on him, so he could go for a walk.

Talk about groping in the dark. I crawled on all four into the cage, blindfolded and lay very still. Then he started sniffing me. I got goose bumps down my spine. Slowly I started stroking his front legs, then his chest and neck, clutching the collar. Without even a snarl he let me put it on him. Then I attached the leash and started backing out the door, hanging on tight.

Well let me tell you, as soon as he knew that door was open, he tore out of there on three legs so fast I thought my arm had been pulled out of its socket. The leash wrapped around my arm, he dragged me up the dirt road. By the time I got the blindfold off, I had two scraped knees, but he was still going. Twenty minutes later he stopped and turned to look at me for the first time, a panting bloody mess, heaving for air.

At that point I didnt care if he ate me. I looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Go ahead and eat me.” Then something wonderful happened. He nudged my hand! We were friends.

Although my body was in a lot of pain, my heart couldnt have been happier. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I sat down and he licked my face dry.



Every month the Harmony Fund feeds all the animals here at Love Animal House in Thailand and at so many ‘underdog’ rescue centers all over the planet. It’s not an easy task,but one that comes from the care & support of all of you.

TO HELP: please visit our website here http://harmonyfund.org/ or donate through Paypal to Donations@harmonyfund.org

Thank you all for your incredible kindness!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/GreatAnimalRescueChase/photos/a.135..



Animal Rescue Chase

The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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