
My Happy Ending #5 - Milley Ariff




 Before Dulu

 Now Sekarang
1         Cat/Dogs Name
Nama kucing/anjing
Milley Ariff
2         Cat/Dogs Caretaker Name
Nama Penjaga kucing/anjing
3         Location Rescued
Lokasi Diselamatkan
Market bukit gedong, penang
4         Date Rescued
Tarikh Diselamatkan
21 nov 2009
5         Cat/Dogs Condition when rescued
Keadaan kucing/anjing semasa diselamatkan
Baby roughly 1-2 months, kurap, comot, kurus sgt, dok berjalan2 xda hala tuju..ke hulur hilir cari mami dia L
6         Cat/Dogs Character
Sifat Kucing/Anjing
Manja! Stalker! Attention seeker!  J
7         How my cat/dog got his/her name
Macam mana  kucing/anjing mendapat namanya?
Sbb masa tu miley cyrus sgt innocent and cute. Sbb milley pun innocent and cute. So boh la nama tuh.
8         My cat/dog condition now is.
Keadaan kucing/anjing saya sekarang .
Spayed.Sehat walafiat! 4 kali sy pindah pun sy angkut skali! And sgt berbakat utk mengasuh baby tauJ
9         Why I chose to spay/neuter my cat/dog
Mengapa saya memilih untuk memandulkan Kucing/anjing saya
Simple! Kasih cyg sy utk kucing sy based on quality bukan quantity. J

Source: http://kucingterbiaranjingjalanan.blogspot.com/2014/06/my-ha..




SCRATCH's main mission is to rescue stray, abandoned, and abused cats and to find as many of them as possible new homes with loving owners once they have been treated/nursed back to health and spayed/neutered (aka speutered).

We realize that we cannot always be successful in finding homes for all of the cats that need one, so an associated goal is to minimize the stray cat population by capturing, speutering, releasing and managing those that we cannot find homes for.

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