Received news from our rescuer about an owner who has to relocate to Jakarta due to a new job posting there. Therefore, both of her companions Ginger and Shaggy need to be rehomed.
a) She has an 11-year-old Great Dane that needs a home. Ginger has no major health issues. If she sends Ginger to shelter homes, Ginger will be put to sleep due to her age. Therefore she is seeking an alternative. Do you know of anyone willing to take Ginger in so she can live out her twilight years in peace plus lots of TLC? Susan (the owner) is willing to sponsor her food if she finds a good home. For more info on Ginger, you may visit at this link
Shaggy b) She also has an adopted dog named Shaggy rescued from the pound by MDDB two years ago.Shaggy is an adorable well behaved mutt that lives indoor. For more info on Shaggy, you may visit at this link
If Ginger or Shaggy has touched your heart and you would like them to become part of your family, pls contact us or Eileen directly at 019-320 3875.