I went to collect our cat-trap from the vet's yesterday. It was left there after Blackie's capture and subsequent neutering surgery. Well, what do you know, Blackie had destroyed the trap! Both springs had been torn out completely. The vet helped me repair it but I don't think it works very well now. I thought we could do without the springs as it still worked (we tested it) but the vet said it could be hazardous because the closure would not be tight enough and the cat might attempt to squeeze out and in the event, get stuck.
Oh well, at least the trap had caught several cats and got them spayed-neutered. It's done its job.
My cats and Bobby always "inspect" the trap every time it comes back to me. I think the cats are just so curious...what on earth does this contraption do?
Meanwhile, our other trap had been lent out to Marina Tham. And there was success on her side too.
From Marina:
Dear Doc Chan, My sis-in-law (Amy Tham) passed me the Cat Trap from animalcare yesterday nite, and today I caught a mama cat (pregnant) at first and let it free coz can't do spaying yet. Then my 2nd attempt, I caught this one at 4pm+ (as per attachment). Amy came to confirm its a female coz I do not know how to see. So tonite its at my house. I gave it a bowl of fresh water and a piece of fish. It didnt eat until about 8pm. can see it is scare so I covered the cage with a piece of cloth and it calmed down..
Was told to send to your panel vet tomorrow 11am.
Thanks for the trap and I hope I can use it more as there's really alot of cats behind my house. I am trying to get my taman people to join me but until now no one wants to do anything but complain. I am so so through with human colours!! Anyway I shall help what I can as my time is quite limited due to looking after a 21 mths old kid and my own 6 year old and house chores.
My best time to trap is 4pm+ coz thats the time I prepare dinner and use to feed the strays, so I can expect them to come when they hear me at the kitchen...smart cats! But today, after trapping this one, they are like a little cautious already. For their good, I hope I can smooth sail in trapping them.
This is the cat that Marina trapped. (No somersaulting, no banging head on wall, no mishaps.) The cat will be spayed today under our sponsorship.
Marina is interested to do One-Street CNRM (or rather, it's TNRM since she is trapping them) despite having no cooperation or support from her neighbours. Kudos to you, Marina! We will definitely support you all the way!
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